Sunday, October 26, 2008

Grace turns 1!

One year ago...

Awaiting Grace's arrival.

Grace and Dr. Steinke...she weighed 9 lb 3 oz. 20.5 in. She entered the world at 3:31 p.m.

Newborn pic taken a week after she was born.

Mommy's hand on Grace.

And today...

Singing Happy Birthday.

Eating that yummy sugar cookie.

Grace and Nana

Grace and Ellie

Grace turned one yesterday. It was a busy day filled with lots of excitement, but nothing as exciting as our baby turning one! We had a lot of fun singing to her and telling her over and over it was her birthday. The older girls were so excited for this big day, they could hardly contain their own excitement. We spent the evening celebrating, eating cookies (instead of cake), and opening lots of colorful, noisy toys.

Grace is crawling, I don't think her first steps are too far away as she likes to stand up and "furniture surf." She loves her sisters and is easily entertained by anything they do (even fighting). She is just a happy, smiley little girl. I don't know what life would be like without her, she seems to fit into our family just right and we love having a baby to love, hold, baby talk to, and spoil rotten!

I love that we named her Grace and the name holds so much significance for both Josh and me. We are constantly reminded of God's unending and abounding grace for his children.

Happy Birthday Grace!


Kristal said...

Happy Birthday Gracie! I loved seeing you yesterday!

Unknown said...

Yay for ONE YEAR!!!
She is so adorable, and it was fun to see a photo of her on the day she was born and on her first birthday.

Tucker's St. Bernard's said...

Doug and I love that baby!! If you are not careful...we will snatch her and raise her as a Tucker!!

heather said...

She is such a doll! It is fun having a baby around...I am so glad to see how much you are enjoying her!

andrea said...

i love why you guys chose the name grace. that is so neat. she is too cute and i really can't believe she is one! happy 1st birthday grace!